Saturday 25 May 2013

Tips On How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

            Hi Sweets,
I'm so  excited to be back, I have been away for some time now.........
If there's anything I miss most its blogging......LOL.......I came back with so much previews, trust me its been a research all through my absence.........ENJOY
If you have been struggling to remove those unsightly blackheads, here are a few helpful tips that are sure to make your skin have a healthy and clean appearance. These tips should be easy to do with some simple ingredients that you can easily buy at the store or may even have on hand already.

Exfoliate your skin weekly: The benefit of a weekly gentle exfoliation is leaving your skin soft and healthy looking, plus it will get all of the dead skin cells off of your skin so they cannot clog up your pores and create new blackheads. Here are a few ingredients that can be used to exfoliate your skin quickly and inexpensively: white or brown sugar and warm water mixed together and applied to your face and neck in a circular motion with your fingertips then rinse thoroughly with warm water

After cleansing your face and patting it dry, apply a small amount of honey to your problem areas. The tacky texture of the honey will slowly pull all of the impurities out of your pores and stick into the honey. The antibacterial properties of the honey also help fight acne-causing bacteria, reducing new breakouts from forming and healing old breakouts. Once you are done with this process, wash your hands and rinse off any residue the honey may have left on your face with warm water.

Egg white masks can pull off the impossible: Cover your face with a thin film of egg whites (mixed into a light whip) and allow it to begin to dry. Once it starts to dry, put a second layer of egg whites on your face. After this layer begins to dry, place a third layer over the two existing layers. Once this has dried on your face for about 15 minutes, gently scrub your face with warm water to remove all of the egg off and see just how amazing the results truly are.

Utilizing these three simple tips will help reduce the amount of blackheads on your face. You will get clear and healthy skin pretty quickly and it won’t cost you a fortune. It’s time to say bye to those blackheads for good!

                                      Hope U found this useful?

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